therapy magazine

‘Hypnotherapy Training and Practitioner’ is an award-winning blog and a free online therapy magazine. It covers training, tips and business promotion for hypnotherapists/hypnotherapy students, and advice for those considering hypnotherapy training.  Hypnotherapy Training & Practitioner online therapy magazine won these Apex awards in the Social Media (Blog Content) category. SubmitRead More →

sign up for YHT newsletter

We send out our Hypnotherapy News letters once a month. They are useful resources to hypnotherapists, hypnotherapy trainees (with us or at other schools), and those considering hypnotherapy training. Every YHT hypnotherapy news issue contains client tips, business building tips, links to hypnotherapy news – relevant research and interesting articles,Read More →

cheap insurance for therapists

Cheap therapy insurance that is reliable and meets your needs is important for a wide variety of therapies and therapists. Get a quote via the link on the Westminster banner below to benefit from the YHT discounts. Westminster Indemnity offers a combined Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance policy forRead More →

hypnotherapy supervision

It is a requirement of most professional therapy associations, including those that accredit our course, that new therapists undertake supervision. See an article explaining what this means here. Who needs supervision? Each hypnotherapy professional body has its own rules about the supervision you are expected to undertake, and for how long. ThisRead More →