fitness to practice policy

Why have a fitness to practice policy? Although our having a fitness to practice policy might feel a bit intimidating, that is not its intent. It is important to YHT that we maintain the highest standards in our students and graduates, not just in academic achievement but in all theirRead More →

privacy policy

This is my privacy policy for the Practitioner and Foundation level courses. I collect personal information from you as part of my enrolment process. Two sets of rules govern my handling of this information. These are the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and my professional body’s code of ethics. ThisRead More →

refunds, returns and cancellations

Please be aware the following refunds, returns and cancellation policies are in place for Hypnotherapy Practitioner and Foundation level courses. Yorkshire Hypnotherapy Training (YHT) is a trading name of Yorkshire Therapies and Training Ltd and you can find all our contact details on the bottom of each page. Refunds, ReturnsRead More →

We welcome people from all sections of the community to our courses. The purpose of publishing this policy is to confirm that we have an active commitment to equality and fairness and that we oppose all forms of unlawful – and unfair – discrimination. If you are thinking of becomingRead More →


Here we’ll explain what cookies we use on this site, what they are, what they do, and what (if anything) you need to do about them. What Are Cookies? Sadly no chocolate chips of any kind are involved! We just liked the picture, though it’s not a particularly original pun. The typeRead More →